Saturday, January 28, 2012

SMART TURTLE - Performance-based


Your team is to present a PERFORMANCE that includes 5 unusual animals.

You will have up to 4 minutes to create your animals and plan and practice your PERFORMANCE. You will then have up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

Part One (4 minutes):
• Create 5 unusual animals by choosing the names of 5 different animals and words to describe each
of them.
• Each chosen word must end with the same letter that the name of the animal starts with…for
example, a smarT Turtle. Smart ends in the letter T and turtle starts with the letter T.
• Write down the names of your animals and the words that describe them on the sheets the Team
Manager will give you. Hand one of the sheets back to the Team Manager at the end of Part One.
• In Part One, you should also plan and practice your PERFORMANCE.

Part Two (2 minutes):
• Present your PERFORMANCE.
• During your skit, each of the unusual animals must be acted out.MATERIALS:
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and practice your

You will receive:
A. 20 points if you create 5 unusual animals in Part One.
B. Up to 8 points (40 points maximum) for the creativity of each of your unusual animals.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
D. Up to 20 points for how well you team works together.

(print 1 copy)
names of unusual animals:
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________

For Team Managers Only
The names of the unusual animals do NOT need to be spelled correctly as long as the last letter of the
word and the first letter of the animal are the same.

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