Your TASK is to build a block structure that meets as many of your specifications as possible.
You will have up to 3 minutes to decide what specifications you will use to build your block structure and then up to 4 minutes to build a structure that meets as many of the specifications as possible.
In the center of the room is a 12in x 12in (30cm x 30cm) taped square. Next to the taped square is a pile of colored blocks.
In front of you is a pile of blocks whose potential is limited only by the constraints you choose for them. Pick your specifications carefully and try to figure out exactly how many you can accomplish.
PART ONE: (3 minutes):
Plan your strategy and fill out the specification sheet to determine how you will be scored after Part Two. The more specifications you can include in your structure, the more points you will receive. However, you will also receive points by predicting how many of the specifications you will be able to include in your structure.
PART TWO (4 minutes):
Build your block structure.
25 colored blocks
You will receive:
A. 4 points (60 points maximum) for each specification that you selected in Part One that you are able
to include in your structure.
B. 5 points if your structure meets at least one of your selected specifications.
C. 5 points if your structure meets half (rounded down) of your selected specifications.
D. 5 points if your structure meets more than half (rounded down) of your selected specifications.
E. 5 points if your structure meets all of your selected specifications.
F. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.
Mark the specifications you wish to include in your structure.
____ 1. The structure is at least 7 blocks high at its highest point.
____ 2. All of the blue blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 3. No red blocks are used to construct the structure.
____ 4. Only blue blocks are touching the floor.
____ 5. No blocks of the same color are adjacent to each other.
____ 6. All of the blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 7. The structure has a round blue block at its highest point.
____ 8. The base of the structure is completed within the taped area.
____ 9. Every block in the structure is touching at least 2 other blocks.
____ 10. Every blue block in the structure is touching another blue block.
____ 11. No green block is touching a red block.
____ 12. The structure has a tunnel in it.
____ 13. An even number of blocks is used to build the structure.
____ 14. The structure contains more green blocks than red blocks.
____ 15. Every team member has placed at least one block in the structure.
____ 16. All of the area within the taped square is covered by the structure.
____ 17. More than half of the blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 18. The structure extends out beyond the taped area.
____ 19. All rectangular blocks are placed upright in the structure.
____ 20. All round blocks in the pile are included in the structure.
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