Saturday, January 28, 2012

ALL TANGLED UP - Entry and Advanced Levels


Your TASK is to build a structure that connects as many ropes as possible and is as close to the floor as possible without touching it. You should then present a PERFORMANCE in which you explain what your structure is and how it ended up in the ropes.

You will have up to 5 minutes to build your structure and plan your PERFORMANCE, and then up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

In the center of the room is a wooden frame with 10 ropes hanging in the middle of it. There is also a table with materials.

Part One (5 minutes):
• Use the materials on the table to build a structure that connects as many of the ropes as possible
and is as close to the floor as possible without touching it.
• When attaching items to the ropes, you may NOT use the mailing labels or tie the ropes into knots.
• You also should use Part One to plan your PERFORMANCE.

Part Two (2 minutes):
• Present a skit in which you explain what your structure is and how it ended up in the ropes.
• You may continue building your structure during your PERFORMANCE.

1 Styrofoam Cup
1 Sheet of Newspaper
2 Craft Sticks
3 Cupcake Wrappers
4 Mailing Labels
5 Binder Clips
24 in (60 cm) Piece of Yarn
5 Straws
2 Rubber Bands
2 Wooden Spoons
4 Paper Clips
6 Pipe Cleaners
The mailing labels may NOT be attached to the wooden frame, ropes, or spoons. The wooden spoons may NOT be damaged.
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and
present your PERFORMANCE.

You will receive:
A. 20 points if your structure is within 12 in (30cm) of the floor without touching it at the end of Part
B. 2 points (20 points maximum) for each rope that is connected to the structure at the end of Part
C. Up to 10 points for the creativity of what your structure is.
D. Up to 10 points for the creativity of how your structure ended up in the ropes.
E. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
F. Up to 20 points for how well you team works together.

For Team Managers Only
The set up consists of a 4 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft (120 cm x 120 cm x 120 cm) wooden structure in the center of the room with a lattice on its top. Hanging from the lattice are 10 pieces of ½ in (1.25 cm) rope of varying lengths. The ropes should vary from 9 in (22 cm) to 12 in (30 cm) in length.

SMART TURTLE - Performance-based


Your team is to present a PERFORMANCE that includes 5 unusual animals.

You will have up to 4 minutes to create your animals and plan and practice your PERFORMANCE. You will then have up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

Part One (4 minutes):
• Create 5 unusual animals by choosing the names of 5 different animals and words to describe each
of them.
• Each chosen word must end with the same letter that the name of the animal starts with…for
example, a smarT Turtle. Smart ends in the letter T and turtle starts with the letter T.
• Write down the names of your animals and the words that describe them on the sheets the Team
Manager will give you. Hand one of the sheets back to the Team Manager at the end of Part One.
• In Part One, you should also plan and practice your PERFORMANCE.

Part Two (2 minutes):
• Present your PERFORMANCE.
• During your skit, each of the unusual animals must be acted out.MATERIALS:
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and practice your

You will receive:
A. 20 points if you create 5 unusual animals in Part One.
B. Up to 8 points (40 points maximum) for the creativity of each of your unusual animals.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
D. Up to 20 points for how well you team works together.

(print 1 copy)
names of unusual animals:
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________

For Team Managers Only
The names of the unusual animals do NOT need to be spelled correctly as long as the last letter of the
word and the first letter of the animal are the same.

COWABUNGA! - Performance-based


Your team is to present a PERFORMANCE in which a cow or cows do something that regular cows can’t do.

You will have up to 4 minutes to make costumes and plan and practice your skit. You will then have up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

• Everyone knows that cows can eat grass, produce milk, and moo!
• Your team has discovered a new talent for your cow or cows.
• It is your job to make the Team Manager think “Cowabunga!”
• Be sure to have at least one of your team members pretend to be a cow and that your
PERFORMANCE has a beginning, middle and end.
• You should use the materials to make costumes.

2 Sheets of Newspaper 2 Paper Bags
2 Cardboard Tubes 1 Box of Markers
4 Mailing Labels 1 Pair of Gloves
2 Plastic Spoons
The markers may NOT be damaged and may NOT be used in the PERFORMANCE.
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your PERFORMANCE.

You will receive up to:
A. 10 points if your PERFORMANCE has a beginning, middle and end.
B. Up to 30 points for how creatively you show the cow or cows in your skit.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your costumes.
D. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
E. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

ANTIQUES 2511 - Performance-based - Entry Level

ANTIQUES 2511 - (entry level)

Your TASK is to create an antique found in the year 2511 and then to present a PERFORMANCE in which you show what the antique is, and explain what it did and why it is valuable.
For the purpose of this Challenge, an “antique” is anything at least 500 years old.

You will have up to 4 minutes to make your antique, as well as to plan and practice your skit. You will then have up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

• It is the year 2511.
• You have found a valuable antique from the year 2011!
• You are to use the materials to make a replica of this antique and then present a PERFORMANCE in
which you show what the antique is, and explain what it did and why it is valuable.

2 24in (60cm) Pieces of String 2 Cupcake Wrappers
3 Pipe Cleaners 2 Rubber Bands
2 Pencils 2 Mailing Labels
4 Straws 2 Sheets of Colored Paper
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your

You will receive:
A. 10 points if you create an antique.
B. 20 points if you show what the antique is, and explain what it did and why it is valuable in your
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of the antique.
D. Up to 30 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
E. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

ONE LETTER AT A TIME - Performance


Your team is to present a PERFORMANCE that centers around one letter of the alphabet.

You will have up to 5 minutes to choose a letter of the alphabet, think of 10 words that begin with that letter, and create a prop that begins with that letter. You must also plan and practice a PERFORMANCE in which you use the prop and the 10 words. At the end of the Challenge, you will have up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

Part One (5 minutes):
• Pick any letter of the common alphabet, then think of 10 words that begin with that letter and write
the words down on the sheet provided by the Team Manager (next page).
• Also use the provided materials to create a prop that begins with your chosen letter.
• You should then plan and practice a PERFORMANCE in which you use the prop and the 10 words.

Part Two (2 minutes):
• Present your PERFORMANCE to the Team Manager.

1 Golf Ball 4 Craft Sticks
2 Paper Cups 2 Rubber Bands
48in (120cm) of Yarn 2 Cardboard Tubes
2 Paper Plates 1 Box of Markers
2 Sheets of Newspaper
The markers may NOT be damaged and may NOT be used in the PERFORMANCE. The golf ball may NOT be damaged. A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your PERFORMANCE.

You will receive:
A. 20 points for using the prop and each of the 10 words on your list in your PERFORMANCE.
B. Up to 15 points for how creatively you use the prop and the 10 words on your list in your
C. Up to 15 points for the creativity of your prop.
D. Up to 30 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
E. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

(print 1 copy)

letter chosen: _______
words that begin with that letter:

KNOW YOUR ROLE - Combination


Your team will divide into two groups: one group will be given a TASK-based Challenge, the other a
PERFORMANCE-based Challenge

You will have up to 5 minutes to solve this Challenge.

PROCEDURE (5 minutes)
• Divide your team into 2 groups.
• The 1st group will draw a card that describes either a TASK-based Challenge or a PERFORMANCE based Challenge.
• The 1st group of team members has the option of switching cards after they have seen their card,
but doing so will cost the team 10 points.
• The 2nd group will be given the remaining Challenge.
• Both groups need to complete their Challenges within the allotted time.

The group carrying out the TASK-based Challenge will get a bag of materials (Team Manager see next page).
The group carrying out the PERFORMANCE-based Challenge will get a piece of paper and a pencil to use as they plan and practice their PERFORMANCE.

SCORING:You will receive:
A. 10 points if the 1st group does NOT switch Challenges.
B. 10 points if each group completes their Challenge within the allotted time.
C. Up to 30 points for the TASK-based Challenge.
D. Up to 30 points for the PERFORMANCE-based Challenge.
E. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

For Team Managers Only

TASK-based Challenge
You are to use the materials in a bag to build a structure that will hold a softball above the floor as far as possible. You will receive 2 points (30 points maximum) for each inch (2.5cm) that the softball is above the floor.

The group doing the TASK-based Challenge will get a bag containing;
6 Index Cards 1 Sheet of Newspaper
4 Rubber Bands 4 Pencils
8 Straws 4 Pipe Cleaners
6 Paper Clips 1 Softball

PERFORMANCE-based Challenge
Your team is trapped in a maze. It is too dark to see. Present a skit about how you would get out. You will receive up to 30 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.

What's the Connection? - Logic-Based


This is Part One of a Two-Part Challenge

Your TASK is to divide up 8 objects into 4 pairs.

You will have up to 2 minutes to divide up the objects.

On the table in front of you are 8 objects.

PROCEDURE (2 minutes)
• Divide the objects into 4 pairs and write down the names of the objects on the 2 sheets the Team
Manager will give you.
• You will keep one sheet and give the other to the Team Manager.
• You may NOT talk during this part of the Challenge.

SCORING:There is no scoring during this part of the Challenge.

For Team Managers Only
The setup consists of a table with 8 objects. The 8 objects could be: a lid from a cooking pot, a mop, a
dog bone, a baby bottle, a feather, a hat, a bucket, and a magnifying glass. In addition, the team should
be given 2 copies of the “Pairs List,” as well as 2 sharpened pencils.

This is Part One of a Two-Part Challenge
(print 2 copies)

Pairs List:

Pair One:__________________________________________________

Pair Two:__________________________________________________

Pair Three:_________________________________________________

Pair Four:__________________________________________________

This is Part Two of a Two-Part Challenge:

Your team is to present a PERFORMANCE in which you show your Team Manager how 4 pairs of objects are connected.

You will have up to 5 minutes to use your IMAGINATION to plan and practice your PERFORMANCE and then up to 2 minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the Appraisers.

Sometimes it’s hard to see how 2 objects might be connected. For example, at first you might not be able to think of a connection between a clock and a piano. But if you think hard enough, there are a lot of ways they could be connected. On the table in front of you are 8 objects. You already have created 4 pairs using these objects. You are to think of a creative way each of the pairs of objects is connected.

After 5 minutes, you should present a PERFORMANCE in which you show how each of the 4 pairs of objects you have created is connected.

None of the objects may be damaged. A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your PERFORMANCE.

You will receive up to:
A. 15 points (60 points total) for the creativity of each of the connections.
B. 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE.
C. 20 points for how well your team works together.

Block It - Logic-Based

Your TASK is to build a block structure that meets as many of your specifications as possible.

You will have up to 3 minutes to decide what specifications you will use to build your block structure and then up to 4 minutes to build a structure that meets as many of the specifications as possible.

In the center of the room is a 12in x 12in (30cm x 30cm) taped square. Next to the taped square is a pile of colored blocks.

In front of you is a pile of blocks whose potential is limited only by the constraints you choose for them. Pick your specifications carefully and try to figure out exactly how many you can accomplish.

PART ONE:  (3 minutes):
Plan your strategy and fill out the specification sheet to determine how you will be scored after Part Two. The more specifications you can include in your structure, the more points you will receive. However, you will also receive points by predicting how many of the specifications you will be able to include in your structure.

PART TWO (4 minutes):
Build your block structure.

25 colored blocks

You will receive:
A. 4 points (60 points maximum) for each specification that you selected in Part One that you are able
to include in your structure.
B. 5 points if your structure meets at least one of your selected specifications.
C. 5 points if your structure meets half (rounded down) of your selected specifications.
D. 5 points if your structure meets more than half (rounded down) of your selected specifications.
E. 5 points if your structure meets all of your selected specifications.
F. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

Mark the specifications you wish to include in your structure.
____ 1. The structure is at least 7 blocks high at its highest point.
____ 2. All of the blue blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 3. No red blocks are used to construct the structure.
____ 4. Only blue blocks are touching the floor.
____ 5. No blocks of the same color are adjacent to each other.
____ 6. All of the blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 7. The structure has a round blue block at its highest point.
____ 8. The base of the structure is completed within the taped area.
____ 9. Every block in the structure is touching at least 2 other blocks.
____ 10. Every blue block in the structure is touching another blue block.
____ 11. No green block is touching a red block.
____ 12. The structure has a tunnel in it.
____ 13. An even number of blocks is used to build the structure.
____ 14. The structure contains more green blocks than red blocks.
____ 15. Every team member has placed at least one block in the structure.
____ 16. All of the area within the taped square is covered by the structure.
____ 17. More than half of the blocks in the pile are used in the structure.
____ 18. The structure extends out beyond the taped area.
____ 19. All rectangular blocks are placed upright in the structure.
____ 20. All round blocks in the pile are included in the structure.

Number Crazy - Logic-Based

Your TASK is to arrange numbers in taped boxes for score.

You will have up to 5 minutes to work together to put numbers in taped boxes for score.

In the center of the room are 9 taped boxes. There are also cards with numbers on them that you can put in the boxes.

PROCEDURE: (5 minutes)
• Place numbers in the taped boxes for score.
• You will be given a list of ways you can put numbers in taped boxes to receive score.
• Try to place the numbers so that you do as many things on the list as you can.
• The numbers in the taped boxes at the end of time will be scored.
• Only one number should go in each box

You will receive:
A. 10 points (80 points maximum) for each of the things on the list that you are able to do.
B. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

1. The set up consists of 9 taped boxes in a 3’ x 3’ grid.
2. There should be 12 cards with numbers as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. All boxes have a number in them.
2. No even numbers are next to each other.
3. The sum of each of the columns (up and down) is even.
4. The sum of each of tbhe rows (right to left) is odd.
5. There are more odd numbers in the boxes than even numbers.
6. The sum of all the numbers in the boxes is more than 25.
7. No row (left to right) has the same number.
8. The number in the middle box is 4.
9. Numbers in each of the corners are 3 or less
10. The bottom row (left to right) is the sum of the top 2 rows.