Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Instant Challenge #14 - ODD ONE OUT (Performance-based)

Materials: The team manager must find 4 pictures or photographs of the following  (may substitute other pictures):
A can of dog food
A fairy
A train
A playground

The Background Story:
The city art gallery is in a bit of a dilemma. A new attraction, a "Hall of Themed Photography" is about to be opened in the gallery. There are 4 photographs that would be suitable for the gallery, however there is currently only room for three. The president of the gallery has suggested to leave out the photograph that appears to be the odd one out.

The Challenge:
Your team is a group of photograph experts and will need to come up with an explanation as to why each of the photographs could be considered an odd one out, while the other three can be grouped together in the new themed gallery.

You will need to present a short song about each of the 4 photographs. In each of the 4 songs you will need to explain how one item is the odd one out and why the other three are linked. If you can successfully come up with a reason for all 4 being an odd one out, the president of the gallery will consider displaying all photographs in the hall.

You will have 4 minutes to prepare your songs that explain why each photograph is an odd one out and then 4 minutes to present your songs.

Scoring: You will receive:
1 - 10 points for the creativity of the explanation of why each picture is an odd one out (4 explanations
                x 1 -10 points = max 40 points)
1 to 10 points for the creativity of the presentation of your songs (4 songs x 1-10 points = max 40 points)
1 to 20 points for teamwork

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