Challenge: Your TASK is to make something for a monster to love and then present a PERFORMANCE which includes at least one monster and what it loves.
Time: Your will have up to four minutes to use your IMAGINATION to make something for a monster to love and plan your skit, and then up to two minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the appraisers.
The Scene: Cookie Monster loves cookies! Using the materials provided, you are to create something else for a monster to love, You should then present a skit which includes at least one monster and what it loves. You also should make sure says something that rhymes.
1 piece of foil
1 piece of bubble wrap
1 piece of paper
4 mailing labels
6 toothpicks
2 feathers
4 pipe cleaners
4 craft sticks
Your team will also have 5 colored markers, but these may NOT be part of your creation. In addition, a piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as as you plan your PERFORMANCE>
Scoring: You will receive:
A. 10 points if a monster says something that rhymes in your skit.
B. Up to 10 points for the creativity of the rhyme.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your monster(s).
D. Up to 20 points for the creativity of what your monster loves.
E. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE
F. Up to 20 points for how well your teamworks together.
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