Friday, November 19, 2010

Warm-up #7 - Hitchhiker

Arrange 4 chairs like there's a driver, passenger and two seats in the back of the car.
The driver and passenger(s) decide who they are (the president and his wife, three, astronauts, Micky and Minnie Mouse, characters from a book).
They drive along and have a conversation.
The hitchhiker is on the side of the "car" and sticks out a thumb.
The car "stops".
The hitchhker gets in the back seat and tells the others who he is (Harry Potter, Your old 5th grade teacher, a pastry chef).
The conversation should be creative, spontaneous, funny and make sense. Let them go on for a few minutes or until they get too silly and it falls apart.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Instant Challenge #18 - MIXED UP TRADITIONS (performance-based)

Challenge: Your team is to present a humorous performance in which one charachter takes a tradition from one holiday, and introduces it during another holiday, making it part of a new tradition.

Time: You will have up to 4 minutes to use your imagination to plan and practice your performance, and the up to three minutes to present your performance.

The Scene: Traditions are part of many holidays (handing out Valentines on Valentine's Day, fireworks on the 4th of July, etc.) but what happens when someone decides to take a tradition and make it part of a different holiday? You are to plan a skit in which you tell a story about how a character takes a tradition from one holiday and uses it in a different holiday.

Materials: A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your performance.

Scoring: You will receive up to:
A. 20 points for the humor of your performance
B. 20 points for the creative display of the holiday tradition
C. 20 points for the integration of the holiday tradition into the new holiday.
D. 20 points for the creativity of the performance
E. 20 points for how well your team works together

Instant challenge #17 - BACK-UP (performance-based)

Challenge: Your team is to present a performance with a beginning, a middle and an end in reverse order, about a plan that has gone terribly wrong, and the back-up plan used to save the day.

Time: You will have up to 4 minutes to use your imagination to plan and practice your performance, and then up to 2 minutes to present your performance.

The Scene: People make plans, but many times something goes terribly wrong and you have to use a back-up plan to accomplish the task at hand. You are to plan a skit in which you tell a story about the original plan, what went wrong with the original plan, and the back-up plan used - in reverse order.

Materials: All materials are imaginary. A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your performance.

Scoring: You will receive up to:
A. 20 points for the creativity of  your characters
B. 20 points for the effectiveness of your Reverse Story Telling
C. 20 points for the creativity of your imaginary props.
D. 20 pints for the creativity of your performance
E. 20 points for how well your team works together

Instant Chllenge #16 - MOVE IT (Task-based)

Challenge: Your task is to build 2 towers at least 12" tall each that can support a golf ball, and a device that can place, remove and transport a golf ball from one tower to the other.

Time: You will have up to 4 minutes to use your imagination to build 2 towers at least 12" tall and the golf ball transport device. Then you will have 2 minutes to use your team created device to place the golf ball on top of one tower, remove it, and place it on top of the other tower.

Set-Up: In the center of the room is a table with two 12" squares taped 24" apart labeled "tower 1" and "tower 2". There is also a table with materials you may use to build your towers and transportation device(s).

Part 1 - 4 minutes:
Use the materials provided to build 2 towers at least 12" tall within the taped squares that can support a golf ball, and a device or devices that will allow you to place the golf ball on the top of one tower, remove it andplace it on the other tower.

Part 2 - 2 minutes
Use the team created device or devices to place the golf ball on tower 1 for score, remove the golf ball from the tower and place it on tower 2.

1 sheet of paper
3 pipe cleaners
2 plastic spoons
1 paper cup
1 piece of foil
4 rubber bands
5 paper clips
5 mailing labels
12" string
2 pencils
1 pair tongs
4 straws

Scoring: You will receive:
A. 10 points for each tower at least 12" tall standing at the end of 4 minutes
B. 10 points for tower 1 successfully supporting the golf ball
C. 10 points for successfully removing the golf ball from tower 1 (without tipping the tower over)
D. 10 points for tower 2 successfully supporting the golf ball
E. Up to 20 points for how creatively you use the materials
F. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Warm-up #6 - I Didn't Get Any Sleep Last Night

Sit in a circle. Go around the circle and explain why you didn't get any sleep last night. Encourage them when they come up with creative answers.

For example:
It was too hot (cold, noisy).   -   OK
I watched TV all night.   -   OK
I turn into a crime-fighting super-hero at night.   -   Good
My dogs started a band and last night was their opening night.   -   Good

Instant Challenge #15 - LOSING YOUR MARBLES (Task-based)

Challenge: Build a structure that holds marbles off of the table and tell a story about your structure.

Time: You will have up to 4 minutes to use your imagination to create a structure and up to 2 minutes to place marbles on the structure and tell you story.

Part I: Your team will have up to 4 minutes to build a construction that will elevate an 8 1/2" x 5" piece of paper at least 2 inches off the table and will hold marbles without their falling off.
Part II:  You will be given 2 minutes to place the marbles on the paper and tell a story about what you are doing. You may talk and discuss your story during Part I.

2 sheets of 8 1/2" x 5" paper
6 index cards
10 toothpicks
2 coffee stirrers or popsicle sticks
2 mailing labels
2 paper clips
2 rubber bands
1 pipe cleaner
10 marbles

Scoring: You will receive:
A. Each inch more than 2" that the lowest point of the paper is elevated: 5 points per inch
B. Up to 20 points for the creativity of the structure
C. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together
D. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your story
E. Each marble that remains on the paper for more than 30 seconds: 5 points per marble

Instant Challenge #14 - ODD ONE OUT (Performance-based)

Materials: The team manager must find 4 pictures or photographs of the following  (may substitute other pictures):
A can of dog food
A fairy
A train
A playground

The Background Story:
The city art gallery is in a bit of a dilemma. A new attraction, a "Hall of Themed Photography" is about to be opened in the gallery. There are 4 photographs that would be suitable for the gallery, however there is currently only room for three. The president of the gallery has suggested to leave out the photograph that appears to be the odd one out.

The Challenge:
Your team is a group of photograph experts and will need to come up with an explanation as to why each of the photographs could be considered an odd one out, while the other three can be grouped together in the new themed gallery.

You will need to present a short song about each of the 4 photographs. In each of the 4 songs you will need to explain how one item is the odd one out and why the other three are linked. If you can successfully come up with a reason for all 4 being an odd one out, the president of the gallery will consider displaying all photographs in the hall.

You will have 4 minutes to prepare your songs that explain why each photograph is an odd one out and then 4 minutes to present your songs.

Scoring: You will receive:
1 - 10 points for the creativity of the explanation of why each picture is an odd one out (4 explanations
                x 1 -10 points = max 40 points)
1 to 10 points for the creativity of the presentation of your songs (4 songs x 1-10 points = max 40 points)
1 to 20 points for teamwork

Instant Challenge #13 - MOUSE HOUSE (Task-based)

It's getting cold and wet here in Maine. Snow is coming! The mice are making preparations to move into their winter home. Don't let it be your house!

Challenge: Create an advertising commercial, including a model of an attractive beach house in Florida, to encourage the local mice to leave the state for the winter.

Part One: You will have 10 minutes to write your commercial and create a model of a home for the mice.
Part Two: You will have 2 minutes to sell your idea to the mice and the appraisers

5 sheets of construction paper
6 mailing labels
3 paper cups
10 toothpicks
1 sea shell (if you can find one)
scissors and markers (may not be damaged)

Scoring: You will receive:
Up to 30 points for the creativity of the commercial
Up to 30 points for the appeal of the model house
Up to 20 points for creative use of materials
Up to 20 points for positive teamwork

Instant Challenge #11 - MILLENNIUM CITYSCAPE (Task-based)

Challenge: Your must build a three dimensional map of a city in the year 3000. You must also give a 3 minute presentation to the judges explaining your model.

Time: You will have 6 minutes to design and build the three dimensional map of the city and 2 minutes to present the map to the judges.

The Scene: You are the chief architect for your firm. You have been invited to bid on building a new city in the year 3000.

10 spagetti                                            3 cotton balls
10 "ziti" pasta                                       12" piece of wax paper
6 straws                                                 2 index cards
2 rubber bands                                      1 paper cup
2 sheets paper                                       1 paper plate
12" piece of string                                 4 mailing labels
5 paper clips                                         12" piece of aluminum foil

Scoring: You will receive
1 - 25 points for the overall quality of the map (including completeness)
1 - 20 points for the creativity of the layout
1 - 15 points for the creative use of the materials
1 - 20 points for the presentation to judges
1 - 20 points for teamwork

Instant Challenge #10 - The Fling Thing (Task-based)

Challenge: Build a device that will send a cotton ball as far as possible through the air.

Time: You will have up to 5 minutes to use your imagination to build your device and up to 2 minutes to propel the cotton ball and tell a story about the situation.

Procedure: Candy Cottonball has been hired by your employer, Brainy and Bomber Circus, as its newest attraction. Your team is part of the maintenance crew assigned to design and build a device that will fling Candy Cottonball through the air as far as possible so she can dazzle the audience with her graceful landing. With the materials provided, you must design and build the Fling Thing that will launch Ms. Cottonball. A team member may not touch Candy Cottonball during the launch. Your score will depend on how far from the device she lands.

2 cotton balls
1 piece of aluminum foil
1 balloon
2 stir sticks or Popsicle sticks
2 corks
2 straws
2 twist ties
2 paper clips
Scissors may be used to work with the materials but may not be used in the solution

Scoring: You will receive up to:
A. 2 points for each inch between launch and landing
B. 20 points for the creativity of the device
C. 20 points for how well your team works together
D. 20 points for the creativity of your story

Friday, November 5, 2010

Instant Challenge #9 - Three By Two (Task-based - Advanced level)

Challenge: Build three structures that are as tall as possible.

Set-up: On the table are materials you can use to build your structures. On the floor are three taped squares in which to build each of your structures.

Procedure: Using the provided materials, your team is to build 3 structures that are as tall as possible. Each structure must be built to stand within one of the taped squares on the floor. Each structure can only be made out of a maximum of 2 types of materials and if a type of material is used in one structure, it cannot be used in another. At the end of 6 minutes or when a team member asks, each structure will be measured for height. To qualify to be measured, a structure must be free-standing for at least 10 seconds. Once a structure is measured, it cannot be measured again.

Materials (Can be changed)
10 straws
10 pieces spagetti
5 styrofoam cups
10 rubber bands
25 tooth picks
4 sheets of paper
5 balloons
4 mailing labels
36" piece of string

Scoring: You will receive:
A. 1 point for each full inch of height of each structure
B. Up to 20 points for how creatively you use the materials
C. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together

Instant Challenge #8 - Save Our Ship (Performance-based - Imaginary or team created props - Entry level)

Challenge: Rescue your team from a sinking ship.

Time: You will have up to 4 minutes to use your imagination to develop a solution and up to 2 minutes to present your solution to the appraisers.

The Scene: Your team is sailing on a large cruise ship when it accidently hits an iceberg and begins to sink. Sound familiar? Using the materials on the table to create any necessary props, your team is to figure out how to prevent the ship from sinnking. Who knows? If your solution is creative enough, you could become movie stars.

Items to Use in Your Presentation:
On the table are markers and a pair of scissors along with two large sheets of paper to use to make props.

Scoring:You will receive up to:
A. 40 points for the creativity of your solution
B. 20 points for the creativity of your presentation
C. 20 points for how well you include props in your presentation
D. 20 points for how well your team works together

Instant Challenge #7 - Duds For The Dogs (Performance based with props - Entry level)

Challenge: Design five costumes to wear to your dogs birthday party.

Time: You will have up to 5 minutes to use your imagination to design your costumes and up to 2 minutes to give a fashion show to the appraisers.

The Scene: Your team has been invited to your dog's birthday party. However, you have all been asked to come in costume. Using the materials provided, you are to create 5 costumes that will make your dog howl with laughter. No people costumes allowed! Your team will then have a chance to present a fashion show for all the dog appraisers.

Items to use in your presentation:
Things that CAN be changed:
4 white plastic bags
4 paper bags
1 roll toilet paper (or maybe part of one)
4 sheets white paper
4 sheets colored paper
24" yarn
24" ribbon
12 mailing labels
2 cardboard tubes
2 squares aluminum foil

Things that CANNOT be changed:
1 pair scissors
5 colored markers

Scoring: You will receive up to:
A. 8 points each (40 points total) for the creativity of your costumes
B. 20 points for the creativity of your fashion show
C. 20 points for the humor of your presentation'
D. 20 points for how well your team works together

Instant Challenge #6 - Picnic Pest

Challenge:  Keep an army of ants from destroying your picnic.

Time:  You will have up to 4 minutes to use your IMAGINATION to create and practice your solution and up to 2 minutes to present your solution.

The Scene: Your team is outside having a picnic, when all of a sudden, you see an army of ants charging your way!  You need to find a way to keep them from destroying your picnic, and fast!  Your presentation should include 3 characters that each react differently to the approaching ants.  For example, one character might be a baby who thinks the ants are for eating!
MATERIALS:MAY be changed: 5 paper plates, 1 picnic basket, 5 plastic forks
MAY NOT be damaged or altered: 1 plastic tablecloth, 5 paper napkins, 1 loaf of bread
A piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you prepare your presentation.

Scoring:You will receive up to:
30 points for the creativity of your solution and presentation
10 points each (30 points total) for the creativity of your characters
20 points for the humor of your presentation
20 points for how well your team works together

Thursday, November 4, 2010

So, your team is new to instant challenges

A team needs to develop an understanding of what the challenge is asking for. If most of the points are given for how tall a structure is, that's what's most important. If points are given for "the creativity of" or using each material, that needs to be kept in mind.  Here are some pointers for new teams and TM's:
1. Read the challenge to the team then ask them what is important before starting the challenge. Do this with one challenge each week until they are good at analyzing what matters.
2. Some teams assign the members to pay attention to each line of scoring and timing. Someone is in charge of timing. Someone is in charge of each line of "scoring" in the challenge. They keep the team on track by saying what matters (ex - we get points for creative use of materials so how can we use this pipe cleaner?)
3. Some teams quickly discuss what's most important. Usually a leader emerges to lead this discussion. One of my teams had a "natural leader" for the task-based challenges and a different "natural leader" for the performance based challenges.
4. Let them score themselves and say why.
5. When first working on instant challenges, don't spend a lot of time analyzing scores.  Do a lot of instant challenges and let them develop a method for attacking a challenge.
6. Repeat a challenge. Sometimes they like a challenge and want to repeat it. You can wait a few weeks and repeat a challenge to give them a chance to do it better.
7. Give them nore preparation time at first. Let them have 6 minutes instead of 4 minutes.
8. There's no INTERFERENCE rules with instant challenges. You can talk them through it to help them develop a method for attacking a challenge if it looks like they're not developing one themselves.

Instant Challenge #5 - One By Ten (Task-based)

Challenge: Build a structure that is as tall as possible without falling over.

Time: Your team will have five minutes to build your structure before entering the testing phase.

Procedure: Using only the materials provided, your team must build the tallest structure possible. You may alter of break the materials but each material may only be used once. In other works, if you break a materla in half, only one of the haloves may be used. When you have finished building the tallest structure, you will have 10 seconds to positiion it to stand as tall as possible. If the structure does not stand, your team will have 30 seconds to take off one of the materials and reposition the structure to stand for score. This procedure may be repeated until the structure stands for at least 10 seconds and can be scored.

1 straw
1 strip of paper
1 mailing label
1 piece of ribbon
1 plastic bag
1 twist tie
1 paper clip
1 toothpick
1 piece of felt

Scoring: You will receive
A. 2 points for each full inch of structure
B. 2 points for each material used
C. Up to 20 points for teamwork

Timing instant challenges

It works best for the team manager to use a kitchen timer that beeps when the time is up. The team is responsible for keeping track of how much time is left and may appoint one team member to be the timer and wear a watch for this purpose or check the TM's timer. The team may also ask the TM or appraiser how much time is left at any time. During the tournament, an appraiser may indicate when there is one minute left of the preparation time in the instant challenge. A TM can do this but the team must realize that at the tournament the appraiser is not required to tell when a minute is left.

Instant Challenge #4 - Number Please (Performance based)

Challenge: Your challenge is to create and present a humerous story as a team, using as many numbers as possible.

Time: You will have three minutes to discuss and develop the story and two minutes to present it to the judges. You must stress each number as it is being presented.

The Scene: You have been asked to provide the entertainment for a conference of noted mathematicians.

Scoring: You will recieve
1 - 20 points for the overall creativity of the story
1 - 20 points for the components of the story (theme, charachters, location, etc>
1 - 10 ponits for the overall structure of the story (does it have a beginning, middle and end)
10 points for each full minute of presentation
1 - 20 points for teamwork

Warm-up #5 - What's in the Box

This box is a family heirloom (hold up a box or pretend to). It once belonged to Great Aunt Rose, a woman who was such a unique character, there are family legends told about her to this day. What did she keep in the box? (Encourage teams to expand their frames of reference)

Instant Challenge #3 - New Holidays (Performance based)

Challenge: You must design two new holidays to be celebrated in the new millenium and present them to the judges. Your presentation must include:
1. What each holiday will commemorate
2. Who will celebrate it (USA or worldwide)
3. How it will be celebrated
4. When will it be celebrated
5. You will presnt a verbal "greeting" card

Time: You will have 4 minutes to plan your new holidays and presentation then two minutes to present your holidays and verbal greeting cards to the judges.

The Scene: You are the advertising team of a greeting card company. The president of the company wants you to boost sales by proposing two additional holidays.

Scoring: You will receive
1 - 10 points for the overall creativity of each holiday, up to 20 points total
1 - 10 points for the creativity of each verbal greeting card, up to 20 points total
1 - 25 points for the overall quality of presentation to the judges
1 - 20 points for teamwork

Instant Challenge #2 - Create and Sell

Challenge: You must create an object out of the materials provided and then write a commercial to sell it.

Time: You will have four minutes to create the object and plan your commercial and two min utes to present it to the appraisers.

The Scene: You arrive at a sales conference and are informed that your "new product" idea will be presented in a short period of time. However, you didn't know you had to come up with a new product idea.

12" square of fabric
2 mailing labels
6 buttons
2 feathers
2 safety pins
2 paper cups
3 drinking straws
10 toothpicks

Scoring: You will receive
1 - 20 points for the creativity of the "new product idea"
1 - 20 points for how well it works (at whatever it does)
1 - 30 points for the overall quality of the commercial
1 - 15 points for the originality of the use of the materials
1 - 20 ponts for teamwork

Instant Challenge #1 - Monster Lov'n (Performance based - Entry level)

Challenge: Your TASK is to make something for a monster to love and then present a PERFORMANCE which includes at least one monster and what it loves.

Time: Your will have up to four minutes to use your IMAGINATION to make something for a monster to love and plan your skit, and then up to two minutes to present your PERFORMANCE to the appraisers.

The Scene: Cookie Monster loves cookies! Using the materials provided, you are to create something else for a monster to love, You should then present a skit which includes at least one monster and what it loves. You also should make sure says something that rhymes.

1 piece of foil
1 piece of bubble wrap
1 piece of paper
4 mailing labels
6 toothpicks
2 feathers
4 pipe cleaners
4 craft sticks
Your team will also have 5 colored markers, but these may NOT be part of your creation. In addition, a piece of paper and a pencil will be available for your team to use as as you plan your PERFORMANCE>

Scoring: You will receive:
A. 10 points if a monster says something that rhymes in your skit.
B. Up to 10 points for the creativity of the rhyme.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your monster(s).
D. Up to 20 points for the creativity of what your monster loves.
E. Up to 20 points for the creativity of your PERFORMANCE
F. Up to 20 points for how well your teamworks together.