Monday, December 6, 2010

Instant Challenge #21 - CLAY-O-MATION (team-created props)

from Cream of the Crop

Challenge: Create a comic strip or humorous storyboard.

Time: Your team will have 5 minutes to create your solution.

The Scene: Using clay and index cards, your team must create a humorous 3-D storyboard or comic strip. The story must have at least 4 frames but may have as many frames as necessary to complete the story. Clay is the only other materials that may be used to illustrate the story.

4 index cards
1 large piece of clay

Scoring: You will receive:
A.  Up to 25 points for the creativity of the story.
B.  Up to 50 points for creative use of materials.
C.  Up to 25 points for teamwork.

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